The chalkboard has changed
By visualizing your technology and presenting it in a comprehensive illustration, animation or presentation, you will generate value at every level. Colleagues, customers and potential investors will grasp your selling point. We offer you to take your linear stories into interactive presentation tools with eye candy fit for your company profile. Let your audience take charge on where the story goes. No more skimming through PowerPoints!
we are conceptualized.tech
It began as an initiative for making research and science easier to grasp while appearing more appealing to the general public. Our passion for creating drove us to provide a professional service to help others with this endeavour. We offer ways of displaying your ideas, products and results through beautiful and informative images, videos and interactive presentation tools.
Contact us to discuss your ideas and how they can be visualized!
Robert Brooke
E-mail: robert(a)conceptech.seCo-founder – Illustrations and hard surface modelling
Robert Brooke has a PhD in materials chemistry and loves creating informative yet beautiful images and animations

Pelle Geivald
E-mail: pelle(a)conceptech.seCo-founder – Presentation tools, web design and video editing
Pelle Janson is a PhD student in Bioelectronics and loves telling stories no matter through what medium
Latest News
Please contact us for more information on all our services since only a fraction is displayed here!
New Publication with Cover Art!
Another publication out of the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linkoping University has been published and the artwork we created for them was chosen as a cover piece in the issue![…]
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New Products Available!
We have now released some more products on the Blender Market! Our animated stereolithography 3D printer (https://blendermarket.com/products/AnimatedStereolithography3Dprinter) is now avaliable, ready to make any object into something that is 3D[…]
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3D printer animation available on Blender Market
We have released our first 3D model, a fused deposition modelling (FDM) 3D printer which is avaliable on the blender market (https://blendermarket.com/products/fully-animated-FDM-3d-printer-). The product is designed for people who have[…]
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