Rendered chemical structures for an experimental and theoretical publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Dr Evangelia Mitraka nailing her PhD thesis before successfully defending her research and the cover image created by
Rendered images for MedTechByran, customized images for rebranding their website.
Rendered images of the Organic Electronic Ion Pump developed at Linkoping University.
Two examples of electrochromic windows for air craft. One showing a blank window while the other show a pattern for possible advertisements.
- Box design for paint brush prototype
- Box design for paint brush prototype
- Paint brush prototype handle designs
- Paint brush holder with paint brush head prototype
- Paint brush holder design
- Paint brush prototype components
Renders for a new paint brush prototype design
- The printing of carbon on aluminum electrode
- Organic materials printed onto carbon
- Concept supercapacitor powering small lamp
- Upscaled supercapacitor powering electrical bicycle
- Energy storage of solar and wind power for powering resedential infrastructure
- Various scaled concepts of the supercapacitors
Animation stills of an award winning printed supercapacitor prototype
Rendered images concepts of the GREENSENSE drug of abuse successful grant application
Render examples of printed vs traditional modulate energy storage devices included in a recent published manuscript
- The NextFactory
- Inspection Module
- Inkjet Module
- Curing Module
- Dispensing Module
- NextFactory Modules
Animation stills of the NextFactory Machine – All-in-one manufacturing
Animation stills of the Cinside portable penetrating radar devices
*Mannequin created by SebastL at
Cinside Conceptual portable penetrating radar device – The Human Finder
Cinside Conceptual portable penetrating radar device – The Stick Radar
From left to right: 3D model created in 3D modelling software, 3D model rendered and 3D model printed and functioning as an electrochemical cell for energy storage applications.
- Example render of Materials
- Example render of Molecules
- Example render of Synapse Firing
- Example render of Neurons
- Artistic representation of Bioelectronics
- Example render of Graphene
- Example render of DNA
- Example render of Materials