Self-Sterilizing Microneedle Publication with Cover Art!

visualizing science and technology

Self-Sterilizing Microneedle Publication with Cover Art!

June 4, 2019 Uncategorized 0

Researchers at the Future Industries Institute at the University of South Australia have published a report centred on microneedle patches loaded with silver nanoparticles for their self-sterilizing purposes. The idea is that in addition to delivering the desired drug molecule, the microneedles will suppress any bacterial growth where the microneedles pierce the skin.
Here’s what PhD candidate Laura Gonzalez Garcia had to say about the publication: ‘Microneedle patches are an attractive tool in the gamut of modern drug delivery systems. They are a better alternative to syringe injections as they are painless and can be self-administered by the patient. Our research combines the use of dissolving microneedles with the antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles in a multi-action patch which provides a sterile environment on the insertion site.’ helped Laura and her co-authors with a scientific illustration similar to the one shown here that ended up on the back cover of journal Chemical Communications.
Check out the whole article here:!divAbstract


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