Plasmonics Manuscript Published with Cover Art!

visualizing science and technology

Plasmonics Manuscript Published with Cover Art!

October 29, 2018 Uncategorized 0

A new manuscript from the Organic Photonics and Nanooptics group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at Linkoping University has recently been published in the American Chemical Society Photonics journal.

The report focuses on how light interacts with thin films of light-absorbing molecules and plasmonic nanohole metasurfaces. Thin silver nanohole films were employed to show strong coupling between plasmons and excitons, forming new hybrid light-matter states. Both theoretical and experimental methods were used to prove the existence of these states.

What this means is that the organic molecules alter their properties by interacting and hybridizaing with an optial cavity, which shows potential for design of new material systems with modified functions, including chemical reactivity and electrical conductivity. Obviously, this could have important implications in terms of electronic materials and devices.

Here’s what Associate Professor Magnus Jonsson had to say about their recent publication:

‘Strong coupling is an emerging research field with exciting prospects for both applications and new fundamental science and concepts. Via detailed experimental and theoretical studies, we here show that thin plasmonic nanohole films show great potential for such strong coupling systems.’

The article can be found here:

Want to know more about the Organic Photonics and Nanooptics group at Linkoping University?

Head to their home page here: helped out making the image that was selected as a cover for ACS Photonics.



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